Underwater Transformation About Face Underwater Transformation About Face

Getting ready for tomorrow night

I got some metal samples few weeks ago. I decided on one out of 4 kinds. I hope it would look great on all the images… Still haven’t seen the finals but I will find out tomorrow night at the gallery!!!
I’m giving away yokai magnets for your kitchen. Please come by and say herro- 🙂
161 Erie Street, SF at Roll Up Gallery

メタルプリントのサンプルが2週間前に着いて、4種類のうち、1つに決めて トータル6枚の写真をプリントしたのですが、まだファイナル見てません。。。。ちょっと不安だけど、明日の本番まで待つしかないです!


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  • dave
    June 1, 2013 at 2:13 am 

    like them

  • Linda Landowski
    June 27, 2013 at 6:18 pm 

    How did you learn about underwater healing? In ’09 my husband lost his job & insurance. In 2010 I got Triple Negative Breast cancer! Lack of care, meds. tests, good nutrition Etc.. TNBC/Chemo/Surgeries/ Radiation left me feeling like I was torutered and left to Die. My husband begged me to live! I’m a woman of my word. I’m still here! I’d love to know more. Your kind favor to reply is greatly appreciated. Thank you most kindly! Healing hugs for you!!

  • erena75
    June 30, 2013 at 8:35 pm 

    Hi Linda. Thank you so much for sharing your comment. Could email me your contact info from my contact form?

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