Underwater Transformation About Face Underwater Transformation About Face

A tattoo magazine, Inked!!

art show, Underwater Healer About Face
"Meet the woman who has pioneered a transformative therapy practice and empowers people with underwater portraits as they struggle through their physical and mental turmoil." – Inked I'm happy to announce that my work was published on Inked, a tattoo magazine November issue!! It was an emotional reminder to share my story. I also talked a little bit about my inks in the article :) It means a lot if you guys read it. Please go grab your copy...

ICEBAT 2018 International Conference Evidence Based on Aquatic Therapy

about, art show, Travel, Underwater Healer About Face
April 2018, ICEBAT International Conference Evidence Based on Aquatic Therapy was held in Las Vegas, CA. It was their first time having a conference in United States! I was so ready to show my work, share my story and connect with everybody through our passion. Arrived! So Vegas...I haven't been here for over 20 years! After I checked in my hotel, I had lunch with my friend, Michiko who I haven't seen for over 20 years. So good to see her and catch up! We are both old now but still young inside.. (almost too young) Cold udon was declious! Her husband is a veteran and he is willing to help spreading the word of underwater transformative photography to other veterans. I really appreciate their support! When I got back to the hotel, I had to start setting up my booth. It was challenging to hang the big banner! I feel like I needed something more water texture instead of the brown wall... Always something come up at the last minute! Next day! Starting soon- People are so curious about my project but couldn't tell what it is until I explain to them. I have to have a clear message saying it's a survivors' underwater journey to transform... or something like that? And also I need a video display next time!   The main reason for being at this conference was to meet Dr. Bruce Becker. I admire his research study on warm water and brain. I finally got to meet him in person! I hope to keep in touch...

Medical conference 2017

about, art show, Underwater Healer About Face
It was one of my dreams to be part of medical/health field. My work was displayed at a medical conference!! They look gorgeous!! Thank you for your continuous support! ガン関連のメディカルコンフェレンスで 私の作品とバックストーリーがギャラリーに飾られました!3年連続での サポートありがとうございます?!! Please read a story of a breast cancer survivor, JoAnn. Please read a story of a stomach cancer survivor, Steve, a breast cancer survivor Kim and a testicular cancer survivor Scott Please read a story of a thyroid cancer survivor Pauline and a brain cancer survivor...

Stop by this Saturday – UCSF cancer event, Taste for the Cure

about, art show
Taste for the Cure: A Taste of Science I'm excited to announce that I'm a part of UCSF event on Saturday, 10/1. I'll be showing Underwater Healer About Face to cancer survivors, fighters and supporters at the table . Please stop by and say hello!  Click here to find out! In Honor of Debby Hamolsky, RN, MS In the spirit of Debby’s decades of commitment to emotional and educational support for women with breast cancer, our panel topics will focus on personalized screening and treatment and living well during and after cancer. Between panels, join us for science demonstrations, healthy food tastings, and updates on trials and programs available through the Breast Care Center. This educational event is free and open to all. After nearly 30 years at UCSF, nurse coordinator Debby Hamolsky is leaving us for her next adventure. Please join the UCSF Carol Franc Buck Breast Care Center in honoring her legacy with a day exploring food, science, and breast...

Boston Trip Report

about, art show, Travel, Underwater Healer About Face, uw portrait
Boston Trip Report This was my Boston office for few days!! I'm missing it! I met Chien-Chi, a breast cancer survivor at 7:30-8:30am We connected in the water instantly! I met Katie at 8:30-9:30. She had her own mermaid tail from Hawaii! She did a beautiful job in the water! I met Kim at 9:30-10:30. She was nervous at first but look at this! She looks so natural! ' Next day, I had a presentation at Apple Store on Boylston street. I was super nervous as always. I had a different speaking coach this time and I practiced a lot before I left for Boston! The event was successful! It was the most emotional and impactful presentation I've ever had! It was so nice to hear everyone talking about this project. My heart was full with happiness!     I made these cranes for Boston people to wish them good luck and feel better. Next day, I had a maternity photo shoot with Vicky and Charles. They came from NY to support for my project. They helped me so much when I had a ABOUT FACE project in NY in 2013 We had lunch at The Neighborhood Restaurant in Somerville. I came here twice and I really liked it! I was recommended to go to Spanish restaurant, Dali. I was introduced to delicious wince, La Cana. I stopped by at this normal looking Sushi place. AND they were amazing!! So fresh! I always walked by at this local bar with bunch of alcoholics at...

Solo Exhibit at Tokyo Gallery Midoriso

art show
水中ポートレイト写真家、下田恵玲奈が手がける水中ヒーリング  プロジェクトの展示会『Underwater Healer About Face"』 Solo Exhibit at Tokyo Gallery Midoriso 展示会 2014年 17日(土)18日(日)12:00~17:00 オープニング•レセプション•パーティー 日時 : 2014年 5月 16日(金)18:00~21:00 場所 : 中目黒「みどり荘」 東京都 目黒区青葉台3311 2階/ 3階 http://midori.so/ カリフォルニア州サンフランシスコをベースに活躍する水中写真家、下田恵玲奈が癌克服者に捧げるプロジェクト。水中でのヒーリング活動を手がける下田恵玲奈の願い、それは、癌克服者が自己の美を再び見いだせるよう、彼らの内成るパワーを引き出すチームとなること。 癌克服者が経験する癌告知から手術、治療、副作用、そして再発への恐怖といった経験。それは肉体的にも精神的にも 辛いトラウマ的な経験だが、癌を通じて生に向き合い諦めずにチャレンジするというかけがえのない経験から彼らは自らの人生をさらに強く美しく塗り替える生命力を得るのだと下田は語る。癌サバイバーが再び自信を取り戻し、セルフイメージを高める事が出来るように、彼らの内なる輝きを水中ポートレイトとして贈る手助けを活動の一貫とし、2013年、アメリカ各地にて13人の癌克服者達の写真撮影を行う。2014年の3月、彼らの美しいイメージと、ストーリーを記した本を出版。そして今回初の東京での展示会がギャラリーみどり荘にて開催されることとなった。 画期的で慈悲に満ちあふれる下田恵玲奈の世界観を五感で体験する3日間。 http://underwaterhealer.com/testimonials http://igg.me/at/aboutface/x/1633174 Erena Shimoda's "Underwater Healer About Face" Solo Exhibit at Tokyo Gallery, Midoriso May 17 (Sat.) and May 18 (Sun.), 2014 12:00~17:00 opening reception May 16 (Fri.) 18:00~21:00 San Francisco, CA – April 21, 2014 Erena Shimoda, a San Francisco-based underwater photographer has launched an innovative and philanthropic fundraiser to benefit cancer survivors by rediscovering their beauty through underwater portrait photography. Solo Exhibit at Tokyo Gallery Midoriso In 2013, Shimoda photographed 13 cancer survivors across the United States and published a corresponding book of the photographs and beautiful stories of the survivors. She will be exhibiting her photographs as well as her book at Midoriso in Tokyo, May...

Thank you for coming to NightLife gallery show!

about, art show, uw portrait
I had an awesome time at California Academy of Sciences last night! Thank you, Betty for contacting me and curating the show. I absolutely LOVE NightLife. I couldn't get to walk around much to check out other events but I would definitely go back there again to check it out. My stuff was right next to the penguins. They were so cute, cuddling and getting ready to go to bed. A lot of my friends stop by and I was SO happy to see everyone there. I was so happy all night showing my series and I can't wait to do more projects! Thank you so much for coming out and all the support! I love you guys!! Have a great...