ABC 7 Bay Area News KGO
Underwater Healer About FaceThank you so much #ABC7News #ABC7 #KGO-TVSanFrancisco (ABC7) for sharing my Underwater Transformation Project with cancer and trauma survivors.
Since I launched my campaign about a month ago, it's been like riding a roller coaster. I want to thank all of the donors for the generous support. Currently, there are 71 donors contributed about $5k total (minus process fees) from GoFundMe and Media Alliance 501c3. With this, I can get to the Bay Area, Los Angeles and possibly Portland/Seattle survivors. THANK YOU!!
Any dollar amount will help to reach 22 survivors on the list.
Also if you sign up for the underwater photo session, 100% of your portrait session fee will be donated to this campaign. Please click on the link to read the message and waiting list of thrivers!
Thank you so much for your support aways.
#underwatertransformation #underwaterphotography #aquatictherapy #cancersurvivor #domesticviolenceawareness #autism #ptsd #veteran #suicideprevention #breastcancerawareness #malebreastcancer #chronicpain #depression #multiplesclerosisawareness #leukemiaawareness...