I’m finally uploading the NYC trip photos!
Arrived safely with my gear and welcomed by corn chips and Dunkin Donuts! Yum!
Vicky helped me finding a pool for this photo shoot. We had to wake up early so only ONE beer to celebrate my arrival!
She was my first subject. Getting ready in the early morning is brutal but her eye brows were perfect! (how did you do that!)
Emily Morrison was my second subject. She was so adorable! Her mom was cute too. I was so happy to make her dream come true!
Brian (on the left) was my third subject. He flew down from Maine for the photo shoot. He wanted to have a bicycle theme! I wished I got a used bike for the prop! Next time!
Mailet is a CEO of IHadCancer (in the center), the company I partnered for the campaign. She was my last subject for the day. Her hair was synchronized with the motion and the movement was so graceful.
Everyone did incredible jobs performing in the water considering it was their first time. I can’t wait to show you all the final photos!
After the photo shoot, we all went out to have dinner. Anthony, a president of a design agency, Squeeky, treated us with bunch of pizzas and fancy bottles of wine! I brought my laptop to have the preview of underwater portrait session. They were thrilled to check them out. It’s so interesting to see them criticizing their performances. I just loved seeing their smiley faces 🙂
Last night in NYC, I met my friends at the bar called, The Library. Yes, it was the library theme with punk rock songs. Awesome! I missed my best friends, MIya, Franki and Bobby!! Fantastic time catching up!
I had only 2 hours of sleep but I made back to SF with my babies! Tapes were everywhere. I guess they couldn’t close them. (weak)
It was an intense 3 nights in NYC and I loved every minute of it. I was really nervous before I left but I’m glad I went there and did my job! I would love to go back there again with the same reason. It was an epic trip!
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