Please click and drag the white arrows to see my underwater transformation.

Pauline Farace - Makeup Artist
Thyroid Cancer Survivor
My name is Pauline Farace and I’m 54 yrs old. I’m a make up artist.
I was born and raised in San Jose, CA. I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer in December, 1995. My daughter was just 3 yrs old. I was shocked at the doctor’s words and couldn’t believe I had cancer at the age of 33.
I wanted to be apart of Underwater Healer About Face because I realized I downplayed the fact that I had cancer because my case was not the “serious” types. I didn’t always speak about it before. Even though I was apprehensive about doing this project, I knew it would be something to be proud of.
Cancer has taught me compassion, strength, the importance of education on health matters and I believe when my thyroid was removed, I received an extra dose of intuition, that has guided me in certain situations. I told my daughter and she said, “mom, you should do it!” There is a part of me that wants to make her proud of me too.
I currently volunteer with American Cancer Society’s Look Good Feel Better Program as a professional makeup artist and am working on my own project, Healing Touch of Beauty. It is a passion project that we have created at our studio, our goal is to give back with a little beauty, touching womens lives through makeup and beauty treatments.
Underwater portrait session was a very cool experience, it felt safe and non-intimidating, swallowing a few sips of water wasn’t so bad, it got more comfortable moment by moment. It was neat to see the camera flash and I think I may have heard a muffled click.
Erena made everything very easy, her calm demeanor & encouragement made the process very pleasant, her assurance in telling me that a shot was great was appreciated, because I had no idea at all what I was looking like under water, or what kind of face I was making! I didn’t want to make her job difficult, but I then realized that this was also for me.
I had one of the most restful nights sleep and I couldn’t believe that I don’t think I woke up once, my normal nights sleep, I wake at least twice and then sometimes my mind starts trailing and I cause myself angst. I so enjoyed my last nights sleep.
Water is calming, soothing, and is like an emotional lullaby. One of my most favorite things is to have a getaway with a room by the ocean, falling asleep & waking to the sound of the waves.
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