Please click and drag the white arrows to see my underwater transformation.

Chelsie Hill
Spinal Cord Injury Survivor
My name is Chelsie Hill and I’m 25 years old. I’m from Monterey, CA.
When I was 17 years old, I got in the car accident with a drunk driver. The SUV veered off the road and crashed into a tree, leaving me a T-10 Paraplegic.
My passion is still dance and I am a Co Founder of the Walk and Roll wheelchair Dance Team.
Before the photo shoot, I was pretty nervous since it was my first time doing an underwater fashion shoot. But I felt so free being in the water once I got comfortable.
Working with Erena was very comforting. I have never been able to swim under the water without plugging my nose but when I worked with Erena, I was able to sink without doing that. And I could even open my eyes!! She was very patient. She explained how to pose in the water in different directions which it helped me find my own comfort zone. I feel like I’ve overcame a fear of mine!
To me, water means freedom.
After the photo shoot, I actually ended up taking a nap! When I woke up, I felt completely rejuvenated!
I definitely recommend this to other survivors because it’s an experience that makes you feel calm and free. You realized that you can physically do a lot more underwater than on land which I think is good for the mind, body and soul.
The Underwater healing project is such a beautiful way for people to get out of their comfort zone and feel free.
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