Underwater Transformation About Face Underwater Transformation About Face

UPDATES on Underwater Healer – About Face campaign

about, uw portrait
Hello everyone~ I finally got the disbursement information from indiegogo. I just wanted to give you some updates on the campaign! I can reach out to 5 bay area for sure and 2 more from out side. I'm leaning towards going to the North West. Lindsay (Portland survivor) can meet me and Lori (Settle survivor) in Seattle. I still need to coordinate everything for this trip and I'll be on budget. If you guys know anyone who has an access to the indoor heated pool, please let me know! I just had a first bay area survivor photo shoot with Sante Johnson! We had a great time in Walnut Creek. Her friend, Perry helped me take some backstage photos. Thank you so much, Perry! Sante, you did a fantastic job! Photos are coming soon! Thank you so much for waiting! やっとインディーゴーゴーからメールがきました。まだちゃんとした値段が入って来ていません が、ベイエリアの5人と東西の2人と撮影ができるようにバジェットを守りながら頑張りたいと思います。ポートランドのサバイバーリンジーさんがシアトルま で来てくれるそうなので、シアトルのサバイバーローリーさんと同じロケーションで撮影できることになります。これから頑張って予定をたてたいと思います。 ベ イエリアは完璧なのでついこの間最初のサバイバー撮影に取りかかりました。サンテジョンソンさんです。彼女のお友達ペリーさんにバックステージの写真を撮...

DAY 30 – end of the campaign. RAISED $10,142!!! Thank you SO much for your support!

about, uw portrait
RAISED $10,142!!! Thank you so much for your support! I finished my campaign with $10,142 and 1000 likes in 30 days!! Unfortunately, I didn't reach my goal but I can still work on survivors from the Bay Area and a few from out side. I'll find out more after all the tax and 40% of the donation to IHadCancer.com are taken out. I felt like I was riding a roller coaster during my campaign! I learned so much and my heart is full with happiness! I was on my computer everyday, marketing, creating graphics, flyers, ads, social net working and I tried everything I came up with. Even though I didn't reach the number, I'm still proud of myself I put 100% of my life into this. Also I wanted to tell everybody thank you for the support. I couldn't do this without anybody's help. I feel fortunate to have you guys in my life Now, my real job starts from here. I want to be proud of my work and I won't let anybody...

Butterfly totem 蝶に伝わった私のエネジー

uw portrait
I hope you had a great July 4th weekend! I was at Bass Lake during the day with bunch of friends. I haven't been there since the last August. We cut the traffic with motorcycle and got to the place pretty quick! We hiked for 2 miles going through some tree tunnels and got to the water finally! We jumped in with our inflatable tubes and floats. (so cute to see big kids who ride Harley) The water was so warm but my underwater camera was not really good for the muggy water :( When we were hanging out floating, a butterfly landed on my leg, suddenly. It was rare to see it on me and I was told to search for the butterfly totem and I did when I got home. I was shocked to read what it was. The butterfly symbolizes a personal transformation, changes in your life. This is exactly what I want and going through to make it happen right now. I'm launching a fundraising campaign called Underwater Healer, About Face. About Face means to change the attitudes, views and turn things around 180 degrees. It's for the cancer survivors but also for myself. I'm looking to change something big! Butterfly sensed that energy on my scaled legs :) http://www.spiritanimal.info/butterfly-spirit-animal/ I had such a wonderful...

Underwater Healer Project – About Face

about, uw portrait
I had a fantastic underwater portrait session for underwater healer project this weekend. I'm launching a fundraising campaign in July 10th! Details coming soon! Bernadette Leno flew down from Vancouver, Canada on Friday night. We contacted each other only one week ahead to plan everything and fortunately, everything worked out!! I was so excited to meet her and curious to find out who she was because she had never been to SF and met me before! She must be an awesome gal and she was! I felt so happy to meet her! She was only here for 36 hours and I hope she enjoyed her portrait session and stay in SF. She did such an amazing job in the water yesterday. It was about 100F in Walnut creek (thank you, Dina, Adam, Cassi, Juni and Tagboat!) and we forgot to put a sunscreen until we finished the session...... She got some farmer's tan as a souvenir. You can check her out here! 先週末に アンダーウォーターヒーラープロジェクトのため バンクーバー、カナダから バーナデットさんが飛んできて下さいました。一週間ほど前にビデオ チャットで会って企画をしただけなので、二人とも出会ったときは少し緊張しましたが、意気投合して 水中写真撮影を知り合いのプールをかりでする事ができ...

Before and after series

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It is so nice to see my clients after they give births! I remember them being pregnant last year and it's been a year already! They are so happy to welcome a little new member and still looking fabulous! I would love to keep in touch with all of my clients forever. Thank you so much for thinking of inviting me to the one year old birthday...