Underwater Transformation About Face Underwater Transformation About Face

Before and After – Breast Cancer – Mailet

Please click and drag the white arrows to see my underwater transformation.

Mailet Lopez - A founder of ihadcancer.com

Breast Cancer Survivor

My name is Mailet Lopez. I was born in Cuba and currently reside in NY. I’m the founder of IHadCancer.com, an online peer-to-peer support network and the co-founder of Squeaky.com, an award-winning web development agency.

I was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer in 2008. I went through a lumpectomy to remove the tumor and then a series of low dose chemo treatments. Thankfully I didn’t experience the same types of side effects one normally does with traditional chemo. I was lucky in this sense because I was able to maintain as normal a life as you can while dealing with cancer however I still felt alone in the process. Similar to others experiences, family and friend didn’t understand what I was going through. It was because of this and having a chance encounter with someone who provided some guidance that I started IHadCancer.com.

Today I am five years out and doing great. I continue to do whatever I can to maintain a healthy lifestyle – including eating a well-balanced and nutritious diet, getting enough sleep, and trying to limit any unnecessary stress in my life.

Erena is a talented underwater photographer and we’re excited to have had the opportunity to partner with her on the Underwater Healing – About Face campaign to provide 10 cancer survivors a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

I did not know what to expect during the shoot but upon meeting Erena, watching her work with the survivors, and seeing the end product I’m happy we got to participate.  I surprised myself with my ability to stay underwater for longer than I had expected, and I enjoyed watching the other survivors overcome their fears and any physical limitations as well. It was quite a rewarding experience and one that other survivors should partake in – they will be pleasantly surprised with what they learn about themselves.



私はオンラインのサポートネットワークであるIHadCancer.comの創設者で,受賞歴のあるウエブ開発会社、 Squeaky.comの共同創設者でもあります。2008年に2期の乳癌と診断され,乳腺腫傷摘出手術を受けてから低用量抗がん剤治療も受けました。癌 と戦っている間でも普通の生活を送ることができたのは幸いでしたが、孤独に感じていたのも確かでした。そんな時、ある人から精神的な助けを受けたのがきっ かけでIHadCancer.com、癌の克服者や支援者が出会って経験を共有できる、サポートコミュニティサイトを始める決意をしました。恵玲奈との撮 影から何が得られるかは見当がつきませんでしたが、水中に思ったよりも長い間いる事のできる自分にびっくりし、他の克服者が撮影中に自分の恐れや肉体的な 限界を克服する姿を見て喜びを感じる事もできました。とてもやりがいのある経験で、他の癌克服者にもぜひ経験してもらいたいですね。

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Underwater Healer About Face

Help cancer survivors heal their emotional scars

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