Underwater Transformation About Face Underwater Transformation About Face

Before and After – Lisa Smith

Please click and drag the white arrows to see my underwater transformation.

Lisa Smith - Non-profit board of director

Breast Cancer Survivor

Aptos, California

I work as a non-profit board of director. I was diagnosed with Stage 3 breast cancer in my left breast in September of 2011. I had neoadjuvant TAC chemo, a single mastectomy, and radiation. I just finished reconstruction surgery in June of 2013. It feels as though I’ve been through a war and lost a body part.

Water is so healing, and the portrait session was so fun! We laughed a lot, and that always helps with the healing. Robin [pictured right] is also a breast cancer survivor, so it was very special to share the experience with her. I think that once you’ve been through something as awful as cancer you need to appreciate the here and now. Being in the water and trying to stay underwater really makes one mindful of staying in the present.

Erena has a way of making you feel comfortable.  It was a pleasure working with her.  She is calm, patient, and compassionate.



私は非営利団体の取締役をしています。2011年9月に左胸が3期の乳癌と診断されました。Neoadjuvant TACの 抗がん剤療法、単一の乳房切除術と放射線療法を受けました。2013年6月に形成手術を終えたばかりで、戦争に行って体の一分を失った様な感じがします。 ロビン(写真右)も乳癌の克服者なので、その経験を一緒に分かち合えた事がかなり貴重でした。水にはとても癒され、写真を取ってもらっている間楽しめまし た。恵玲奈と2人でたくさん笑って、それ自体も治療の役にたちますよね。癌のようなひどい経験をすると、今、此所にあるものに感謝する事ができるように成 ります。水中にいる事や、水中に留まる努力を通じて今の瞬間に集中する事ができるのです。

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Underwater Healer About Face

Help cancer survivors heal their emotional scars

  • Client:Lisa Smith
  • Categories:
  • Skills:
    • Cubase
    • Sound Forge
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