Brittney Beadle
Breast Cancer Survivor
My name is Brittney, I am 22 years old, and I grew up in Scranton Pennsylvania I have metastatic breast cancer. I was diagnosed when I was 18 years old after finding a lump in my right breast. Unfortunately, it had already spread to my bones, liver and brain. I have been on many different treatments to help keep my cancer at bay for the last 4.5 years. Right now I am living my life and thriving despite the cancer. Water to me is very healing, so when I come across Erena’s instagram page and saw the work she does with survivors I thought it was so beautiful and wanted to try it! My plans for the photoshoot was just to go in with an open heart and to surrender. I am expecting it to be a truly healing experience.
I was feeling nervous because I didn’t completely know what to expect going into it, but also really excited. In the beginning of the shoot I found it to be a little difficult. I was having trouble holding my breathe and letting my self sink. As time went on I realized I was trying to hard to force myself to stay under, so I decided to let go and let the water take control. When I did that it became easier and we ended up getting better shots! When I was finished I was feeling very light and happy. I was also very proud of myself. Water to me has always been super healing. Whether it is in a pool, a bathtub, or an ocean it always seems to calm my mind and that is why I think this experience helps survivors overcome trauma. I will always go back to the water!I slept really great the night after the experience because my mind was clear and it was also a bit of a workout.
Erena was so great to work with! She gave me tips on how to let myself sink and how to move in the water. She was part of the reason the experience was so amazing. I would recommend underwater transformation to other survivors because it was an overall amazing experience. It was both healing and fun and we need more things like that.
Reiki is a form of energy healing that treats the mind, body, and soul! I found out about reiki from my good friend Jen. When I was 15 years old I started to attend her guided meditation every Sunday as well as other workshops she would do. When I was diagnosed with cancer she introduced me to reiki! I would go once a week for reiki and I found it really helped me. Eventually I got certified in it to help others!
I have always wanted to help people heal their lives and when reiki was introduced into my life I knew that was what I was supposed to be doing. I want to open a wellness center and offer reiki and meditation as well as other services. I truly believe the best way to heal is by treating the whole person, the mind, body, and soul.
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