Underwater Transformation About Face Underwater Transformation About Face

Meet Sara, a breast cancer survivor

Underwater Healer About Face
I had an amazing day working with an adorable couple who wanted to celebrate their 10 anniversary under water and after that, I got to work with a beautiful breast cancer survivor, Sara. She was born and grew up in the south bay, and have been living in San Francisco most of her adult life, other than going to Berkeley for undergrad and UCLA for law school.She was iagnosed breast cancer in December 2015, when she was 38. After the photo shoot, she said, "I totally would recommend underwater portrait to other survivors! For survivors, I think it's an experience that can help you feel strong and confident again, especially because Erena was so warm and encouraging. It is a nice escape from thinking about cancer. It also is a moment where you can feel like you're in control and you're guiding the concept and deciding what to do, instead of being told what's happening to you and your body by doctors. It's a fun "appointment," instead of all the mandatory doctor appointments that poke and prod you. I think it also would be a great experience for anyone, not just survivors. It is such a unique, artistic experience and different way of seeing yourself." Thank you so much, Sara for being a part of this beautiful project to inspire other survivors and everyone in the world. Her underwater transformative images are stunning! I can't wait to show them to you...

Palm Springs Trip Report

about, Travel, Underwater Healer About Face, uw portrait
Palm Springs Trip Report September 18-20, 2015 Underwater Healer About Face in Palm Springs! This is my first time traveling to Palm Springs! I was super excited to find out about this new place! A little about PS trip: A 3 time cancer survivor and my good friend Nancy is one of the supporters for this project. When I approached her for this year's photos shoot, she was happy to do it! But she wanted to pay her own session and take me to her best friend, Don's house in Palm Springs because he has a beautiful pool! And I can reach out to other survivors. Thank you so much for this opportunity, Nancy!   I can't believe she designed this house!! http://www.homteamdesign.com/modern1--palm-springs-ca.html 今月は忙しい日々が続きました!これからパルムスプリングスで3人のサバイバーと水中撮影をしにいってきます。今回のアバウトフェイスの旅は少し違って、 3人の中の一人は私の親友なんです。3回のがんから克服したとてもパワフルなファイターです。今年の水中撮影プロジェクトの誘ったとき、自分の分は払いた いと言ってきました。しかもパルムスプリングに住んでいる彼女のベストフレンドの家のオリンピックサイズプールでやりたいとの事。私の飛行機代も払ってく れました。彼女は私にもっと他のサバイバーに会えるようにと願ってお金をきふしてくれたんです。この家は彼女がベストフレンドの為にデザインしたそうです。本当映画にでてくるような家でした Beautiful friends, delicious dinner, tasty drinks and full of love! It's my dream land to wake up and swim everyday... Photo shoots with beautiful survivors went really well! Photos are coming soon! DATES!! I bought dates from Palm Springs for my co-workers! They are so...