Underwater Transformation About Face Underwater Transformation About Face

Before and After – Breast Cancer – Sante

Please click and drag the white arrows to see my underwater transformation.

Duwenavue Sante’ Johnson - Hair stylist and embroidery artist

Breast Cancer Survivor

San Francisco, CA

I’m a hairstylist and a hand-embroiderer. I was diagnosed with Stage 3 breast cancer in 2007. I did alternative medicine and western medicine. In my experience with cancer, I delegated family members and friends to research options for me since I was overwhelmed and I had to make [decisions] quickly. Although [having cancer] was a painful experience, I grew a lot as a person and became closer to the people I cherish the most.

The underwater portrait session was AWESOME!!!! I feel like the photo shoot went well for me, and it was a new experience that definitely challenged me to think and be more open and creative. I would recommend this experience to other survivors because after the cancer treatment, many people tend to hibernate and hide their body due to the pain, and/or self-image. Being in the water is a very nurturing experience.



私はヘアスタイリストと手刺繍をしています。2007年に3期の乳癌と診断され、代替医療と西洋医学を試しました。癌の診断で頭が混乱する中でも決 断を早く下す必要があったので、治療方法を家族と友人に調べてもらいました。癌の経験はつらいものでしたが、人間として成長することができた上に、最も大 切に思っている人々との仲がさらに深まりました。水中でのポートレートセッションは最高でしたね。撮影は順調にいった感じがします。この新しい経験の中で は、思慮深くなることや、もっと心を開いてクリエーティブになることを要求されました。癌治療の後には、痛みや傷ついたセルフイメージのために引きこもっ たり体を隠してしまう人も多いので、他のサバイバーにも水中ポートレート撮影をおすすめします。水の中にいることはとても和まされる経験ですよ。

A year later, she was diagnosed breast cancer for the 2nd time. I’m grateful and blessed to be part of her life.

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Underwater Healer About Face

Help cancer survivors re-discover their beauty through underwater portrait photography.

  • Client:Duwenavue Sante’ Johnson
  • Categories:
  • Skills:
    • After Effects
    • Cubase
    • Illustrator
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