Underwater Transformation About Face Underwater Transformation About Face

Before and After – Lori

Please click and drag the white arrows to see my underwater transformation.

Lori Stone

Endocervical Adenocarcinoma Survivor

I run a lifestyle and consulting company called The Joy Guild. I was diagnosed with Endocervical Adenocarcinoma in 2007 at age 34. I had two surgeries to remove my cervix and pelvic lymph system, greatly reducing my fertility and, combined with my current age of 40, taking away my easier choices to have a biological child.
As an avid swimmer, I expected an easy session. What I found was something extremely eye opening and difficult, reminding me of my own power to overcome obstacles. Underneath the water, the world slips away and you meet yourself again. The stillness removes barriers between element and body and asks us to become overtly aware through a heightened sense of self. We are reminded to come alive again, through awkwardness AND grace. The fun is in the discovery and in letting go. We are all so beautiful and deserve to be seen that way after treatment.



私はThe Joy Guild というライフスタイル&コンサルタント会社を経営しています。2007年、34歳、子宮頸管腺癌と診断されました。子宮頸部や骨盤リンパ系を取り除く2つ の手術を受け、現在40歳という年齢に加えて自分の子供ができる確率がかなり減りました。水泳を良くするので水中での撮影は簡単だと思っていました.でも 実際には目から鱗が落ちる様な物で、簡単とは言えず、障害を乗り越える自分の力を思い出させてくれました。水の中では日常の世界を忘れる事ができ、本来の 自分に戻る事ができます。水の静けさが周りと体のバリアを取払い、自己意識がさらに高まり覚醒に導かれるのです。ぎこちなさ、又、しとやかさの中で自分自 身を取り戻す事ができるのです。人は皆美しく、治療後もそのままでいられるはずですよね。

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Underwater Healer About Face

Help cancer survivors heal their emotional scars

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